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* [[|Banana Slug Genome Browser]] will have a UCSC genome browser, once we get to the point of having few enough contigs that building a browser makes sense. * [[|Mirroring the UCSC Genome Browser]] shows procedures for setting up a UCSC Genome Browser site. Although we are not trying to set up a mirror site, this still contains valuable configuration information. * [[|Minimal Browser Install]] instructions are on the ucsc genomewiki. * [[|Source Code]] provides kent source zip. * kent/src/product/README* has documentation on configuring and using the UCSC Genome Browser. * Internally, the Browser staff uses to automate much of the initial build of a browser for a new assembly. The kent source contains that script and other scripts that it calls.

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post-assembly_analysis/banana_slug_genome_browser.1270002283.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/03/31 02:24 by galt