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==== Run 1 contig/scaffold statistics ==== <-- Information for assembly Scaffold 'soapdenovo2_sparseGraph.scafSeq'.(cut_off_length < 100bp) --> | Size_includeN | 2064665199 | | Size_withoutN | 1974393478 | | Scaffold_Num | 2030303 | | Mean_Size | 1016 | | Median_Size | 131 | | Longest_Seq | 60333 | | Shortest_Seq | 100 | | Singleton_Num | 1617596 | | Average_length_of_break(N)_in_scaffold | 44 | | Known_genome_size | NaN | | Total_scaffold_length_as_percentage_of_known_genome_size | NaN | | scaffolds>100 | 1996626 | 98.34% | | scaffolds>500 | 493758 | 24.32% | | scaffolds>1K | 381668 | 18.80% | | scaffolds>10K | 35884 | 1.77% | | scaffolds>100K | 0 | 0.00% | | scaffolds>1M | 0 | 0.00% | | Nucleotide_A | 587193873 | 28.44% | | Nucleotide_C | 410937132 | 19.90% | | Nucleotide_G | 402424364 | 19.49% | | Nucleotide_T | 573838109 | 27.79% | | GapContent_N | 90271721 | 4.37% | | Non_ACGTN | 0 | 0.00% | | GC_Content | 41.20% | (G+C)/(A+C+G+T) | | N10 | 15739 | 10008 | | N20 | 11476 | 25568 | | N30 | 8922 | 46077 | | N40 | 7049 | 72179 | | N50 | 5554 | 105217 | | N60 | 4235 | 147751 | | N70 | 3007 | 205382 | | N80 | 1765 | 293730 | | N90 | 428 | 509432 | | NG50 | NaN | NaN | | N50_scaffold-NG50_scaffold_length_difference | NaN | <-- Information for assembly Contig 'soapdenovo2_sparseGraph.contig'.(cut_off_length < 100bp) --> Size_includeN 2051251797 Size_withoutN 2051251797 Contig_Num 3854379 Mean_Size 532 Median_Size 171 Longest_Seq 22512 Shortest_Seq 100 Contig>100 3819222 99.09% Contig>500 980997 25.45% Contig>1K 583671 15.14% Contig>10K 891 0.02% Contig>100K 0 0.00% Contig>1M 0 0.00% Nucleotide_A 616192468 30.04% Nucleotide_C 432122415 21.07% Nucleotide_G 415271256 20.24% Nucleotide_T 587665658 28.65% GapContent_N 0 0.00% Non_ACGTN 0 0.00% GC_Content 41.31% (G+C)/(A+C+G+T) N10 4396 35101 N20 3142 91078 N30 2400 166140 N40 1860 263478 N50 1425 389550 N60 1048 557252 N70 694 796148 N80 335 1214089 N90 149 2184169 NG50 NaN NaN N50_contig-NG50_contig_length_difference NaN Number_of_contigs_in_scaffolds 2236783 Number_of_contigs_not_in_scaffolds(Singleton) 1617596 Average_number_of_contigs_per_scaffold 5.4

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contributors/team_2/run1.1430766136.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/04 19:02 by charles