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archive:specific_task [2015/05/08 18:49]
archive:specific_task [2015/08/04 03:32] (current) ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation
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-|Name|Task|Notes| +======Tasks====== 
-| Dudek | Map lucigen mates against scaffolds ​to estimate insert size | | +Use this page to create and claim tasks that are relevant ​to the whole class. Completed tasks should be moved to the bottom ​of the list. Feel free to break tasks down into smaller subparts if necessary. ​
-| | Plot contig size vs total genome size for assemblies | | +
-| Dudek | Find cost of creating a tagmentase library| ~$50 | +
-| | Ask UCSF about the discrepancy in the numbers ​of reads | | +
 +|Task| Assignee | Status | Notes|
 +|Install Maker| Houser | Complete | Maker is installed, see information [[archive:​maker|here]] |
 +|Assemble repeat genome with RepArk|Team 1|In progress|Charles has started a test run using the original Hiseq and Miseq reads|
 +|Run GapCloser on SOAP denovo assembly|Charles|In progress| Use SOAP denovo'​s external gap closer. Chose a reasonable name for new assembly. |
 +|Find virus contigs and use PRICE to expand to full viruses | Cole,​jolespin | | jolespin virus assembly progress can be accessed at [[archive:​jolespin_virus]]|
 +| Mate-pair adapter and linker removal| ​ | | |
 +| Measuring insert size for each mate-pair library | unassigned | | |
 +| Making Seqprep, adapter removed, end-trimmed library files | unassigned | | |
 +| Blast long contigs and analyze results | unassigned| | Check the browser for the 30 longest contigs from each group with contigs| ​
 +| Find genes in the mitochondrial genome | unassigned | | The genome is on the browser, find it here https://​​banana_slug_genome_browser | 
 +| Use PRICE to get mitochondrial genome as single contig | Natasha Dudek? | | |
 +| Plot contig size vs total genome size for assemblies | unassigned | | |
 +| Ask UCSF about the discrepancy in the numbers of reads | unassigned | | I don't see any discrepancy in the number of reads, perhaps this can be removed? ​ | 
 +| Fastqc/​kmergenie on SeqPrepped data | unassigned | waiting on previous steps | | 
 +| End trim SeqPrepped data | Hussain | | | 
 +| Error correct SeqPrepped data | McGovern | waiting on previous step | | 
 +| Error Correction new data| McGovern (Musket) | In progress |  |
 +| Install bowtie | Chaves | In progress |/​campusdata/​gchaves/​Bowtie/​bowtie2-2.2.5 (Not yet running successfully)|
 +| UCSC Genome browser hub | Eisenhart | Complete | https://​​banana_slug_genome_browser | 
 +| Plot contig size histogram for current assembly (SOAPdenovo2 results) | Markello | Complete | |
 +| Plot scaffold size histogram for current assembly (SOAPdenovo2 results) | Markello | Complete | |
 +| Find cost of creating a tagmentase library| Dudek | | ~$50 |
 +| Merge/trim new data (SeqPrep) | Hussain | Completed | See wiki page for each data set for details |
 +| Analyze new data (preqc) | Richardson | Completed | See wiki page for each data set for details | 
 +| Preqc on new mate pair SW041 SW042| Saremi | Completed | |
 +| Update the wiki to include mate pair meta data | Eisenhart | completed | 
 +| Install CEGMA dependencies | Markello | Completed | Issue discovered: glib required for complete installation of latest version of genewise (CEGMA dependency) on head node, will use current installation of genewise. |
 +| Create a file containing contigs longer than 5kb | Eisenhart | completed | file is here /​campusdata/​BME235/​S15_assemblies/​DiscovarDeNovo/​UCSF50%run/​bigContigs.fa |
 +| Plot scaffold size histogram for current assembly (Discovar de novo results) | Dudek | Completed | 10% and the new UCSF 50% are up on the discovar team page |
 +| Map lucigen mates against scaffolds | Dudek | completed | See sam file at /​campusdata/​ndudek/​mapping_lucigen/​5kb_plus_discovar/​IJS8_mates_vs_discovar_bigContigs_5000.sam |
 +| Analyze new data (fastqc) | Saremi |Completed | /​campusdata/​BME235/​S15_assemblies/​SOAPdenovo2/​Fastqc/​UCSF_BS-MK_fastqc /​campusdata/​BME235/​S15_assemblies/​SOAPdenovo2/​Fastqc/​UCSF_BS-tag_fastqc |  ​
 +| Adapter trim UCSF SW018 and SW019 libraries (skewer), remove duplicates (fastUniq)| Chaves & Dudek | Completed |/​campusdata/​BME235/​S15_assemblies/​DiscovarDeNovo/​UCSF_reads (Read 1 Sequencing Primer: 5' ACACTCTTTCCCTACACGACGCTCTTCCGATCT 3'; Read 2 Sequencing Primer: 5' GTGACTGGAGTTCAGACGTGTGCTCTTCCGATCT 3)|
 +|SSpace on discovar de novo assembly fasta | Eisenhart | Complete | Results are posted here , https://​​team_5_page:​sspacesummaryfile | 
 +| Map reads against 2012 mitochondrion assembly | Dudek | Completed for UCSF SW018 and SW019 reads | I did the mapping both for adapter-trimmed and adapter-trimmed & duplicate-free reads. The sam files are available at: /​campusdata/​BME235/​mitochondrion |
archive/specific_task.1431110954.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/08 18:49 by ndudek