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====== assemblies/ ====== This directory has a subdirectory for each organism. ===== Pog/ ===== //Pyrobaculum oguniense// assemblies * newbler-assembly1/ is an attempt to do a de novo assembly using the 454 tools (Newbler) version 2.3, starting with the entire set of reads (including any contaminants). * newbler-clean1/ does not create an assembly, instead it is an attempt to remove contaminant reads from the Pog 454 data, by removing reads that map to Helicobacter pylori genomes. The results are in newbler-clean1/sff_cleaned/no_Hyp.sff ===== slug/ =====

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archive/computer_resources/assemblies.1271436049.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/16 16:40 by karplus