This directory has a subdirectory for each organism.
For test assemblies provided by the tool makers to check that installation is correct.
Pyrobaculum oguniense assemblies
Assembling Pog 454 long reads with Ray,
a parallel implementation of the OpenAssembler.
This software seems to be Canadian.
It took 3 hours to run, and the output was
not very good, max contig size being about 12k.
Sadly there are no parameters to tweak.
Assembling Pog454 long reads with ABySS.
The best params found were kmer size 36 and coverage cutoff 15
#ABYSS -k 36 -c 15 both.fq
#Total size: mean 1844.8 sd 3479.7 min 36 (1179) max 32566 (556) median 204
Assembled Pog 454 long reads with pcap default parameters. Sanger reads are not included.
It was necessary to increase the minimum depth coverage for repeats before we got anything good.
Assembled Pog 454 long reads with minimum depth coverage for repeats set to 200, and rest of the parameters unmodified.
faSize contigs.bases info :
2506151 bases (8 N's 2506143 real 2506143 upper 0 lower) in 219 sequences in 1 files
Total size: mean 11443.6 sd 65849.3 min 56 (Contig174.1) max 611479 (Contig0.1) median 195
N count: mean 0.0 sd 0.2
U count: mean 11443.6 sd 65849.3
Using Kevin's makefile, the blat alignments showed large contigs that looked basically correct, except for contig 8.
However many of them overlapped, unlike the Newbler output. This may have been due to a
difference in the way Newbler and PCAP tried to handle the mixed population in the sample where
3 inverting regions are found with various frequencies.
Also, a cutoff should probably be supplied somewhere after the 17th largest contig because
most of the rest of the 219 was small contigs probably representing noise.
newbler-assembly1/ first attempt at de novo assembly using Newbler, using all the reads from 454_run1 and 454_run2.
This assembly of 499,873 reads including 138,351,643 bases produced only 2,910,773 bases assembled into 8,963 contigs.
The longest contig is 5783 bases.
From the total number of bases in the assembly number, I estimate the coverage to be about 0.043x and the genome size to be about 3.2E9 basepairs. (See the README file for the calculation.)
Much of the assembly is low-complexity regions (repetitions of short repeats (AT)*, (AAG)*, (AG)*, (AC)*, (AGT)*, (AGAT)*, (ACAT)*, (AAC)*, (AACG)*, … ).
The most common 14-mer that is not a repeat of a short k-mer is TAGTTTACAGCTTG (so that is what we should put on the T-shirt).
newbler-mapping1-lottia/ tries to do a reference-based assembly with the Lottia gigantea genome as a reference.
The reference has 4475 contigs with 359,512,207 bases.
The output has 183 contigs with 29,389 bases.
The longest contig is only 644 bases—way too small to be of much use.
newbler-mapping2-seahare/ tries to do a reference-based assembly with the Aplysia californica genome as a reference.
The sea hare reference has 8767 contigs, comprising 715,806,041 bases.
The output has 2664 contigs, comprising 443,648 bases (still less than the de novo assembly).
The longest contig is only 1876 bases.
SOAPdenovo-assembly1/ First run of SOAPdenovo on illumina paired ends.
SOAPdenovo requires fastq input files.
It was used to assemble the Panda genome by BGI.
Used kolossus which has 1TB and 64cpus.
Ran with k=31 and k=23. k=31 was better (9k maxcontig)
so ran with filling -R to get 12k maxcontig.
Then ran the scaffolding steps with 200bp insert size.
For all steps, used low default cutoffs since our 10x coverage is not high. 21k max scaffold size.
Estimated genome size is around 3G.
The 4 steps are
pregraph (3.5 to 4.5 hours for 30 to 60 cpus)
contig (1.3 hours)
map (0.6 hours with 60cpus) - paired ends
scaff (1 hour with 60cpus)
barcode-of-life/ attempt to assemble the mitochondrial genome, documented on its own page:
SOAPdenovo-assembly2/ Assembly with new + old Illumina and 454 data.
SOAPdenovo 1.05 - can handle gzipped fastq files.
Runs with k27, 31, 47, and 63 so far. 47 was the best overall. 63 got the longest contig (~14.9kb).
Run parameters:
Statistics for each kmer size assembly (using illumina and 454 data, using both for contig and scaffolding):
1,298,372 scaffolds from 4,814,226 contigs sum up 632,702,276bp, with average length 487, 0 gaps filled
3,611,844 scaffolds&singleton sum up 1,133,413,022bp, with average length 313
the longest is 10,340bp,scaffold N50 is 442 bp, scaffold N90 is 148 bp
871,819 scaffolds from 5,306,463 contigs sum up 530,762,874bp, with average length 608, 0 gaps filled
4,203,195 scaffolds&singleton sum up 1,296,678,043bp, with average length 308
the longest is 14,750bp,scaffold N50 is 458 bp, scaffold N90 is 140 bp
270,887 scaffolds from 4,022,505 contigs sum up 139,720,415bp, with average length 515, 0 gaps filled
3,710,532 scaffolds&singleton sum up 690,332,560bp, with average length 186
the longest is 14,897bp,scaffold N50 is 232 bp, scaffold N90 is 112 bp