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====== UDT - UDP-based Data Transfer ====== TCP often maxes out at slow speeds on a single connection of around 9MB/sec. UDT can transfer between campusrocks and soe at 160MB/sec. The default creates in udt4/app sendfile and recvfile utilities. For these to work you need to on both sending and receiving machines tell it where to find the .so library setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /thepath/udt4/src/ On the sending machine you type sendfile This opens up a connection and returns a port number. On the receiving machine type nslookup [send_machine_name] to get the ip address of the sending machine. Now that you have the port number (returned by sendfile) and the ip address of the sending machine given by nslookup, you can transfer the file using recvfile like this: recvfile [send_ip_address] [send_port_num] [full/path/to/file/on/send/machine] [./recieve_file_name] Note that this will transfer the single file, then close the sendfile connection on the sending machine once the transfer is complete. Since you can't easily write a script to iterate through a bunch of files and/or folders due to this problem where you have to execute sendfile on one end and recvfile on the other end at the right time, the best option would probably be to archive all files you want to transfer at one time into a single .tar file and then transfer that file. To create a tarball of a directory (without any compression) execute this command: tar cvf output.tar input_folder/ #creates a tar archive of the folder and its contents tar xvf output.tar #untars the folder and its contents

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archive/bioinformatic_tools/udt.1277921656.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/06/30 18:14 by jstjohn