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archive:bioinformatic_tools:cap3_pcap [2010/04/14 10:12]
archive:bioinformatic_tools:cap3_pcap [2015/07/28 06:22] (current)
ceisenhart ↷ Page moved from bioinformatic_tools:cap3_pcap to archive:bioinformatic_tools:cap3_pcap
Line 6: Line 6:
 Can use quality values. Can use quality values.
-PCAP assembes large genomes ​sequences.\\+PCAP assembes large genomes.\\
 Can use quality values and read pairs. Can use quality values and read pairs.
Line 22: Line 22:
 PCAP: A Whole-Genome Assembly Program. Genome Research, 13: 2164-2170.)] PCAP: A Whole-Genome Assembly Program. Genome Research, 13: 2164-2170.)]
 +==== INSTALLING CAP3 ====
 +  cd /​campusdata/​BME235/​programs
 +  wget http://​​CAP3/​cap3.linux.opteron64.tar
 +  tar xf cap3.linux.opteron64.tar
 +  mv CAP3 cap3
 +  mv cap3.linux.opteron64.tar cap3/
 +  cd cap3
 +  cp cap3 ../../bin/
 +  cd /​campusdata/​BME235/​programs
 +  wget http://​​PCAP/​pcap.rep.linux.opteron64.tar
 +  tar xf pcap.rep.linux.opteron64.tar
 +  mv pcap.rep.linux.opteron64 pcap
 +  mv pcap.rep.linux.opteron64.tar pcap/
 +  cd pcap
 +  cp pcap ../../bin/
 +The pcap package has several binaries,
 +so we'll have to read the documentation
 +and decide what else to copy into bin/
 +==== Running PCAP ====
 +Actually, we wanted to use autopcap, and so far we have
 +been unable to get it to work unless we run it from a sub-directory
 +with all the pcap-related programs in ../
 +which mimics the structure of their example data. \\
 +This is due to the hardwired code in autopcap to access the parent directory where pcap code is saved. The parent directory is used as default.\\
 +It took little more than 2 hrs to run the assembly on POG 454 data.\\
 ==== Website ==== ==== Website ====
archive/bioinformatic_tools/cap3_pcap.1271239934.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/14 10:12 by galt