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====== Banana slug genomics ====== {{ }}((The Cyberslug is **not** licensed under Creative Commons. It is licensed exclusively to the Jack Baskin School of Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and may not be used by others. Furthermore, the slug-dreaming icon here is only for use by the Banana Slug Genomics project—contact Kevin Karplus for permission to use it.)) **This is the home page for the Banana Slug Genomics wiki.** **We are working to assemble and annotate the genome of the UCSC mascot //Ariolimax dolichophallus//, the slender banana slug. Additionally we are collecting and hosting as much information as we can find about the biology of the banana slug.** This wiki is publicly readable, but editable only by people with UCSC School of Engineering computer accounts. Contact Kevin Karplus ( if you need to edit these pages and do not have such an account. In addition to page-specific discussions on each page, there is a separate [[|forum]] for discussions about the class. The discussion forum is intended for more transient discussions than this wiki---such as where new material should go into the wiki, discussions of re-organizing the wiki or alerts about time-sensitive material. ===== Assemblies ===== [[Full_genome_assemblies | Full genome assemblies ]] [[Mitochondrion_assemblies | Mitochondrion assemblies ]] ===== Data ===== [[Data overview | Access to the raw and processed data]] ===== About the class ===== [[About the class | A more detailed look at the class, students, and teachers ]] [[Teams | Pages for each assembly team ]] [[Budget | The budget for our project. Currently we **are not** accepting donations. ]] [[feed.php|{{ :feed-icon-28x28.png}}]] ===== Reborn - Spring 2015 ===== Welcome back, Banana Slug Genomics! Following the successful [[|crowdfunding campaign]], this class and effort will be rebooted. * [[Spring 2015 syllabus]] The lecture schedule and registered note takers. * [[Data overview]] Raw data and associated analysis. * [[Teams]] Each team is attempting an assembly with a different program. * [[Summer 2015]] A page to organize summer work. * [[Style Guide|Complete guide for modifying the wiki]] * [[computer_resources:campusrocks|Complete guide to campusRocks and SGE]] * [[Budget]] * [[Specific task]] * [[Banana slug genome browser]] A guide for accessing and setting up the banana slug hub. * [[Backup directory]] Paths on Charles' hive account where assembly and raw data files are backed-up. ===== Important pages of this wiki ===== * [[Computer resources]] describes the computers and file systems available for this class, how to get an account, how the directories are organized, how to get file permissions set correctly, and so forth. * [[Style guide]] will have suggestions for organizing content on the wiki. * [[Lecture notes]] will have pointers to notes taken by the students for each lecture. Two students will be designated each lecture to take notes, but others are encouraged to add their own notes to the wiki pages. * [[Other mollusk genomes]] has a list of other mollusks that have been sequenced, and where the data for them is. Prior mollusk genomes may be very useful in annotating the banana slug. * [[Euchromatin and Heterochromatin]] ====Team pages and results ==== The mitochondrion for the banana slug was assembled! [[mitochondrion_2015 | 2015 Mitochondrion assembly ]] Each team is attempting to assemble the banana slug genome with a different assembly program. The results are posted in the team pages below. ----


, 2015/07/15 17:50

Major wiki changes…

The biggest change is a strict adherence to namespace hierarchy and wiki style guide.

Pages that did not fit into this hierarchy/did not follow wiki style guide were archived in the archive namespace. If you are missing a page it is likely in the archive.

This lets users navigate using the site manager (at the top right).

I noticed a ton of redundant pages, as well as pages that we can not possible keep updated. For future wiki modifications, keep in mind that created pages will need to be updated by future classes.

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start.1436981934.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/15 17:38 by ceisenhart