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====== HeliScope ====== //Text from a draft of Jenny Draper's Doctoral Thesis. **Please change.**// --- //[[|Jenny Draper]] 2010/03/30 17:18// ---- Helicos Bioscience’s HeliScope platform is the first high-throughput method available for sequencing samples without requiring the extra polony-forming amplification step necessary to achieve signal on the 454, SOLiD, and Illumina platforms. The technique is essentially similar to Illumina’s, but does not require the bridge PCR amplification step, and utilizes only one dNTP at a time((HeliScope True Single Molecule Sequencing (tSMS™): Helicos BioSciences. @, T.D. et al. Single-Molecule DNA Sequencing of a Viral Genome. Science 320, 106-109 (2008).)). Like 454, HeliScope is subject to homopolymeric read error; substitutions and deletions may also occur. To reduce the error rate, each strand is sequenced twice((Harris, T.D. et al. Single-Molecule DNA Sequencing of a Viral Genome. Science 320, 106-109 (2008).)). Runs generate up to 28 gigabases of ~35bp reads((HeliScope True Single Molecule Sequencing (tSMS™): Helicos BioSciences. @

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sequencing_technologies/heliscope.1269994804.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/03/31 00:20 by learithe