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post-assembly_analysis:banana_slug_genome_browser [2010/03/31 02:29]
post-assembly_analysis:banana_slug_genome_browser [2015/05/23 19:06]
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-  * [[​|Banana Slug Genome Browser]] will have a UCSC genome ​browser, once we get to the point of having few enough ​contigs ​that building ​a browser ​makes sense. +=====Banana slug genome browser===== 
-  * [[http://​​admin/​mirror.html|Mirroring ​the UCSC Genome Browser]] shows procedures for setting up a UCSC Genome Browser site. Although we are not trying to set up mirror sitethis still contains valuable configuration information. +Currently the banana slug genome is supported as a private track hub.  
-  * [[|Minimal Browser Install]] instructions are on the ucsc genomewiki+ 
-  * [[|Building a new genome database]] on the ucsc genomewiki+​~ceisenhart/​hubs/​bananaSlug/​hub.txt 
-  * [[​admin/|Source Code]] provides kent source zip. + 
-  * kent/src/product/​README* has documentation on configuring and using the UCSC Genome Browser+The entire Ariolimax dolichophallus mitochondrial ​genome ​seems to be up on the browser in three contigs! Hopefully tracks will be made soon.   
-  * Internally, ​the Browser staff uses to automate much of the initial build of a browser for a new assembly. ​ The kent source contains that script and other scripts that it calls.+ 
 +The data on the browser is in VERY EARLY FORMAT. Currently only the 30 longest contig'​s for each group are supported on the browser.  ​The contigs are re-named before uploading, and can be viewed by using the '​sequences'​ button on the browser. Contact Chris Eisenhart to have your team's data put on the browser ( ​the following assemblies ​are supported;​ 
 +Discovar //de novo//  
 +==== Setup and viewing ==== 
 +To setup track hub follow the instructions here,  
 +To view the banana slug data please go to  
 +and click the 'track hubs' button  
 +{{ ::​firstbrowsershot.png ​|}} 
 +next navigate to the 'my hubs' tab  
 +{{ ::​secondbrowsershot.png |}} 
 +Paste the url provided,  
 +into the '​URL'​ text box and click the 'Add hub' button You will be redirected ​to the banana slug hub
post-assembly_analysis/banana_slug_genome_browser.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/28 06:05 by ceisenhart