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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Seqprep ====== How does Seqprep do error correction? Quality scores Q_i = -10 * log_10(P(i is wrong)) Given that base Xi is x: = -10 * log_10(1-P(Y=x|Xi=x)) Phred: 66 -> 0 (33) 33 - 64 = -31 in most cases Systematic base-calling biases in Illumina exist. I.e. read one thing going one way, something else going the other. Quality of an alignment: Q1 (quality of read 1), Q2 (quality of read 2), Qa (alignment quality: agree and disagree). If we assume that the alignment is perfect: * Bases 1 and 2 agree: Q1 + Q2 * Bases 1 and 2 disagree: Q1 - Q2? * (1 - P1)(2/3(


, 2011/06/13 00:40

The notes here are so terse as to be incomprehensible.

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lecture_notes/05-16-2011.1305582326.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/05/16 21:45 by eyliaw