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====== Newbler assembly of POG ====== ====== Overview ====== Outlines how Kevin assembled 454 data of Pyrobaculum oguniense (POG) using Newbler 2.3 version. ===== Key points ===== * Kevin installed Newbler 2.3 version in Campusrocks cluster under /campusdata/BME235/programs/DataAnalysis_2.3. * Newbler GUI is not installed as it has some issues with unpacking. * All the assemblies should be listed under /campusdata/BME235/assemblies. * Kevin ran the assembly tool on POG 454 data under /campusdata/BME235/assemblies/Pog. * The README file in the directory contains important information about the assembly.

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lecture_notes/04-16-2010.1271458174.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/16 22:49 by svasili