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lecture_notes:04-16-2010 [2010/04/16 23:11]
lecture_notes:04-16-2010 [2010/04/17 00:22]
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   * Kevin installed Newbler 2.3 version in Campusrocks cluster under /​campusdata/​BME235/​programs/​DataAnalysis_2.3.   * Kevin installed Newbler 2.3 version in Campusrocks cluster under /​campusdata/​BME235/​programs/​DataAnalysis_2.3.
   * Newbler GUI is not installed as it has some issues with unpacking.   * Newbler GUI is not installed as it has some issues with unpacking.
-  * All the assemblies should be listed under /​campusdata/​BME235/​assemblies. 
   * Kevin ran the assembly tool on POG 454 data under /​campusdata/​BME235/​assemblies/​Pog.   * Kevin ran the assembly tool on POG 454 data under /​campusdata/​BME235/​assemblies/​Pog.
   * The README file in the directory contains important information about the assembly.   * The README file in the directory contains important information about the assembly.
   * Info about tools installed is listed in bioinformatic_tools [[https://​​bioinformatic_tools:​gs_de_novo_assembler | GS De Novo Assembler]]. Info about how to run the De novo as well as Mapping assembly tools is also included there.   * Info about tools installed is listed in bioinformatic_tools [[https://​​bioinformatic_tools:​gs_de_novo_assembler | GS De Novo Assembler]]. Info about how to run the De novo as well as Mapping assembly tools is also included there.
-  * Currently tools are installed under /​campusdata/​BME235/​bin/​old_Newbler/​.+  * Currentlytools are installed under /​campusdata/​BME235/​bin/​old_Newbler/​.
   * Tools with prefix "​gs"​ are not supposed to be run directly.   * Tools with prefix "​gs"​ are not supposed to be run directly.
 +  * Kevin has written several scripts in Python (version 2.6) which aid in building and analyzing genomes. Currently these scripts do not work as on Campusrocks,​ as the version of Python installed is 2.4 and it is under the process of being updated to version 2.6.
 +  * Newbler assembly tools take .sff (color space and quality data) files as input and converts them into .fna (fasta file with nucleotide information) files.
 +  * Good only with 454 data, and is not good on reads with length < 50. 
 +  * Example code to run the De novo tool on data is shown below. The code is taken from [[https://​​bioinformatic_tools:​gs_de_novo_assembler | GS De Novo Assembler]].
 +    <​code>​
 +newAssembly .
 +addRun . /​campusdata/​BME235/​data/​Pog/​454_run/​sff/​FUIPDCZ01.sff
 +addRun . /​campusdata/​BME235/​data/​Pog/​454_run/​sff/​FUIPDCZ02.sff
 +runProject -e 50 .
 +  * Where, -e 50 is an important parameter -> implies expected coverage and it defaults to 50.
 +  * Currently, De novo assembly is done on POG, Mapping is not done yet.
 +  * Output : Generated in a separate directory called "​assembly"​. Main outputs - .fna files and .qual files. Look at "/​campusdata/​BME235/​assemblies/​Pog/​newbler-assembly1/​assembly"​.
 +  * make.log - keeps track of what happened.
 +====== Things to remember while running assembly tools======
 +  ​
 +  * All the assemblies should be listed under /​campusdata/​BME235/​assemblies.
 +  * Include .cshrc file in your path.
 +  * Its better to run the tool in the current working directory.
 +  * Create a README file in each new directory and it should contain all the necessary stuff required to run the assembly tool.
 +  * Create Makefile for each assembly tool. (Makefile for newbler_assembly tool is in /​campusdata/​BME235/​assemblies/​Pog//​newbler-assembly1/​). You can use it as a template and modify the data source and the expected coverage as required. Makefile should be considered as "a book for lab protocols"​. ​
 +  * Its always better to say append to make.log in Makefile.
 +  * Wiki page for assembly tools should contain a summary of how to run the tool and other things that might be useful to look at.
lecture_notes/04-16-2010.txt ยท Last modified: 2010/04/20 03:09 by karplus