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lecture_notes:04-05-2010 [2010/04/05 22:30]
lecture_notes:04-05-2010 [2010/04/07 18:27]
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   * SOLiD System Tools (Corona_lite,​ etc): Hyunsung and Chris   * SOLiD System Tools (Corona_lite,​ etc): Hyunsung and Chris
   * Newbler documentation:​ Galt and Herbert   * Newbler documentation:​ Galt and Herbert
 +[[http://​​science?​_ob=ArticleURL&​_udi=B6WG1-4YJ6GD8-1&​_user=10&​_coverDate=03%2F06%2F2010&​_rdoc=1&​_fmt=high&​_orig=search&​_sort=d&​_docanchor=&​view=c&​_searchStrId=1282691739&​_rerunOrigin=google&​_acct=C000050221&​_version=1&​_urlVersion=0&​_userid=10&​md5=32c08d11cc10fd1eefca0f8a8def738b|Review Article]]
 + ​Assembly algorithms for next-generation sequencing data
 + Jason R. Miller, Sergey Korena and Granger Suttona
 + ​SSAKE,​ SHARCGS, VCAKE, Newbler, Celera Assembler, Euler, Velvet, ABySS, AllPaths, and SOAPdenovo.
 + More generally, it compares the two standard methods known as the de Bruijn graph approach and the overlap/​layout/​consensus approach to assembly.
 =====Assembly Overview===== =====Assembly Overview=====
lecture_notes/04-05-2010.txt ยท Last modified: 2010/04/16 01:16 by karplus