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Fri Apr 2 14:00-15:10 Scribe: Jeff Long and Feel Free to put interlineal comments. ====== Information Retrieval with Library Systems- BME325 ====== Christy Hightower presented several resources to retrieve information on research topics. [[|]] The following are the websites and topics that she covered in her lecture. These are taken directly from her pdf: {{:lecture_notes:informationsourcesbyformatforwiki.pdf|InformationSourcesbyFormatForWiki.pdf}} and {{:lecture_notes:strategies235.pdf|Strategies235.pdf}} ===== Background Information and Vocabulary ===== * [[|Wikipedia]] * [[|Encyclopedia of Life Sciences]] * [[|Online Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics]] * [[|STATSnetBASE: Statistical Sciences Handbooks]] ===== Journal Articles ===== * [[|Web of Science]] * [[|Google Scholar]] * [[|Scopus]] * [[|PubMed]] Please note that [[|Scopus]] is a new resource that the library is evaluating. Christy asked that we try it out and compare it to [[|Web of Science]], as the library wants to know which one we prefer. ===== Conference Articles ===== * [[|Google Scholar]] * [[|Scopus]] * BIOSIS ===== Theses and Dissertations ===== * [[|How To Find Dissertations at UCSC]] * ProQuest Theses and Dissertations Database * [[|CRUZCAT]] * [[|Google Scholar]] ===== Protocols ===== * [[|Cold Spring Harbor Protocols]] * Current Protocols in Cell and Molecular Biology * [[|Nature Protocols]] ===== Patents ===== * [[|Google Patent Search]] * [[|Scopus]] * BIOSIS ===== Books ===== * [[|CRUZCAT]] * [[|Melvyl]] * [[|Google Books]] ===== Websites ===== * [[|Google]] ===== Government Information ===== * [[|]]


, 2010/04/07 18:17

Hi everyone,

This was just announced: PubMed now goes back to the year 1947. “Harry Truman was President, gas cost 15 cents a gallon, the transistor was invented, and internationally renowned surgeon Dr. Michael DeBakey was publishing articles on the US Army's World War II experience with battle injuries, military surgery, and the use of streptomycin therapy. Citations to these and more than 60,000 other articles indexed in the 1947 Current List of Medical Literature (CLML) are now available in the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®) MEDLINE®/PubMed database.”

Also wanted to mention that if you use the Boolean OR operator in Google Scholar, it must be in upper case. If you use lower case, it does the search as an “and” instead of an “or”.

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lecture_notes/04-02-2010.1270496874.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/05 19:47 by hlee