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======Banana Slug Biology====== =====Species===== =====Taxonomy===== =====Appearance=====


, 2010/04/23 14:07

Several of the citations here are to other Ariolimax. I think that there needs to be some subdivision of the citation list to avoid swamping the few A. dolichophallus references.

There also needs to be a section on search strategies, since clearly the strategies used so far are inadequate—there are a lot more things out there that the class haven't begun to find.

, 2010/04/22 13:46

Need to fix the 6 footnotes to use refnotes citations.

, 2011/05/12 15:59

mooooore infoooooooooo

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banana_slug_biology.1270158397.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/01 21:46 by hlee