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assemblies:2011:mitochondrion_assembly [2015/09/09 04:17]
karplus [Mitochondrial sequence] date correction
assemblies:2011:mitochondrion_assembly [2015/11/01 03:15] (current)
karplus [Reads] updated mitochondrion-draft2 link
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-The second draft sequence (with the short repeats expanded and the repeats ordered as best I can from the short-insert reads) is available as {{mitochondrion-draft2.fasta.gz|draft2 gzipped fasta file}}. ​ This corresponds to /​campusdata/​BME235/​assemblies/​slug/​barcode-of-life/​map-Illumina-raw-47/​draft on campusrocks. ​ It has 36363 bases.+The second draft sequence (with the short repeats expanded and the repeats ordered as best I can from the short-insert reads) is available as {{computer_resources:​assemblies:​mitochondrion-draft2.fasta.gz|draft2 gzipped fasta file}}. ​ This corresponds to /​campusdata/​BME235/​assemblies/​slug/​barcode-of-life/​map-Illumina-raw-47/​draft on campusrocks. ​ It has 36363 bases.
assemblies/2011/mitochondrion_assembly.1441772277.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/09 04:17 by karplus