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======Summer 2015====== ====Volunteers==== Students continuing to Work in the summer. please include a note that briefly describes something you are currently studying or doing for the project | Name | E-mail | Team | Lab | note | | Jared C | | ABySS | Pourmand | Banana Slug Biology and Mollusk genomics | | Siddra H | | ABySS | Green | | | Emilio F | | ABySS | | | | Charles M | | SOAP | Haussler | | | Natasha | | Discovar | Shapiro | I want to work on finishing the mitochondrion assembly | | Chris Eisenhart | | Discovar | Browser Group | Get it on the browser, finish the assembly with Sspace. I wont be at the meetings as I have to work, I will correspond over email. | |Christopher Kan|SGA|Pogson|Will finish SGA Assembly| ====Schedule of meetings==== Suggestions for weekly meetings: * Meet in PSB 305 (same classroom) * once a week * Weds at 10:30am or 1:30pm ====Agenda Items==== A list of unresolved tasks * distribute T-shirts * Decide on a final assembly from working assemblers. * RNA Assembly * Annotations * Heterozygosity * Phylogeny * Non-slug DNA in reads * How to merge assemblies * Repeats * Mitochondria assembly * Use of old data (2010 and 2011 classes) * Potentially adapt Discovar contigs for SOAPdenovo scaffolding. ====Finished Work==== A list of work completed sense BME235 ended. * Disovar assembly with all shotgun data, accomplished on Kolussus * SOAPdenovo assembly with all shotgun data and gap closed, accomplished on edser2

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archive/summer_2015.1433820031.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/09 03:20 by chkan