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archive:other_mollusk_genomes [2015/05/11 16:00]
archive:other_mollusk_genomes [2015/05/17 18:45]
ndudek [Mitochondrial Genomes:]
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   * [[http://​​wiki/​Aplysia_californica|California sea hare]], //Aplysia californica//​   * [[http://​​wiki/​Aplysia_californica|California sea hare]], //Aplysia californica//​
     * Animalia, Mollusca, Gastropoda, **Heterobranchia**,​ Opisthobranchia,​ Aplysiomorpha,​ Aplysioidea,​ Aplysiidae, Aplysia     * Animalia, Mollusca, Gastropoda, **Heterobranchia**,​ Opisthobranchia,​ Aplysiomorpha,​ Aplysioidea,​ Aplysiidae, Aplysia
 +    * There are 74 published protein structures from this organism, mostly Acetylcholine Binding Protein ​
     * [[http://​​nuccore/​AASC00000000|AplCal3.0 Assembly]] representative genome     * [[http://​​nuccore/​AASC00000000|AplCal3.0 Assembly]] representative genome
       * Submitted 05/15/2013 by [[http://​​|Broad Institute]] in Cambridge, MA.       * Submitted 05/15/2013 by [[http://​​|Broad Institute]] in Cambridge, MA.
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     * [[http://​​nuccore/​AASC00000000.2|AplCal2.0 Assembly]]     * [[http://​​nuccore/​AASC00000000.2|AplCal2.0 Assembly]]
       * Submitted 07/17/2009 by Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA.       * Submitted 07/17/2009 by Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA.
 +      * made using 13.26x coverage of ABI reads
       * [[http://​​cgi-bin/​hgGateway?​hgsid=155184841&​clade=other&​org=Sea+hare&​db=0|UCSC Genome browser page]]       * [[http://​​cgi-bin/​hgGateway?​hgsid=155184841&​clade=other&​org=Sea+hare&​db=0|UCSC Genome browser page]]
       * Largest Contig: 303,309 bp       * Largest Contig: 303,309 bp
   * [[http://​​wiki/​Biomphalaria_glabrata|Bloodfluke Planorb]], //​Biomphalaria glabrata//   * [[http://​​wiki/​Biomphalaria_glabrata|Bloodfluke Planorb]], //​Biomphalaria glabrata//
     * Animalia, Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia,​ Euthyneura, **Panpulmonata**,​ Hygrophila, Planorboidea,​ Planorbidae;​ Biomphalaria     * Animalia, Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia,​ Euthyneura, **Panpulmonata**,​ Hygrophila, Planorboidea,​ Planorbidae;​ Biomphalaria
 +    * the host for the medically important trematode parasite,​[[http://​​wiki/​Schistosoma_mansoni|Schistosoma mansoni]]
     * [[http://​​nuccore/​APKA00000000.1/​|BB02 Assembly]]     * [[http://​​nuccore/​APKA00000000.1/​|BB02 Assembly]]
       * Submitted 09/06/2013 by Washington University       * Submitted 09/06/2013 by Washington University
-      * largest ​Contig: 526,532 bp (major outlier 2nd biggest is 100,139 bp) +      ​* Assembled by Newbler v. July 2011 using 27.5x coverage of 454 FLX Titanium reads 
-      * 14,225 scaffolds, ​total length is 652,954,618 bases+      ​* largest ​contig: 526,532 bp (major outlier 2nd biggest is 100,139 bp) 
 +      * 408,321 contigs, total length is 898,888,039 bp 
 +      * 14,225 scaffolds, ​scaffold ​length is 652,954,618 bases 
 +      * N50 scaffold length of 42kb
     * [[http://​​pubmed/​15562597|The mitochondrial genome of Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda:​ Basommatophora),​ intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni]]     * [[http://​​pubmed/​15562597|The mitochondrial genome of Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda:​ Basommatophora),​ intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni]]
   * [[http://​​wiki/​Pacific_oyster|Pacific oyster]], //​Crassostrea gigas//   * [[http://​​wiki/​Pacific_oyster|Pacific oyster]], //​Crassostrea gigas//
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     * [[http://​​nuccore/​AFTI00000000.1/​|oyster_v9 Assembly]]     * [[http://​​nuccore/​AFTI00000000.1/​|oyster_v9 Assembly]]
       * Submitted 09/19/2012 by BGI-Shenzhen       * Submitted 09/19/2012 by BGI-Shenzhen
-      * Largest ​Contig: 212,823 bp +      ​* Assembled by SOAPdenovo v. 1.05 using 100x coverage of Illumina HiSeq 2000 reads 
-      * 45,393 protein sequences+      ​* Largest ​contig: 212,823 bp 
 +      * 30,459 contigs, total length is 491,850,583 bp 
 +      * 7,658 scaffolds, total scaffold length is 557,717,710 bases 
 +      * 26,086 proteins
     * [[http://​​pubmed/​22992520|The oyster genome reveals stress adaptation and complexity of shell formation.]]     * [[http://​​pubmed/​22992520|The oyster genome reveals stress adaptation and complexity of shell formation.]]
   * [[http://​​Lotgi1/​|Giant owl limpet]], //Lottia gigantea//   * [[http://​​Lotgi1/​|Giant owl limpet]], //Lottia gigantea//
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     * [[http://​​nuccore/​AMQO00000000.1/​|Helro1 Assembly]]     * [[http://​​nuccore/​AMQO00000000.1/​|Helro1 Assembly]]
       * Submitted 12/20/2012 by DOE Joint Genome Institute       * Submitted 12/20/2012 by DOE Joint Genome Institute
-      * Largest ​Contig: 745,440 bp+      ​* [[http://​​Lotgi1/​|main page]] 
 +      * Assembled with JGI Jazz v. 08/24/2006 using 8.87x coverage of Sanger reads 
 +      ​* Largest ​contig: 745,440 bp 
 +      * 18,335 contigs, total length is 298,896,825 bp 
 +      * 4,475 scaffolds, total scaffold length is 359,505,668 bp 
 +      * 51/1.87 Mbp scaffold N50
       * 23,822 Protein sequences       * 23,822 Protein sequences
     * [[http://​​pubmed/​23254933|Insights into bilaterian evolution from three spiralian genomes]]     * [[http://​​pubmed/​23254933|Insights into bilaterian evolution from three spiralian genomes]]
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     * [[http://​​nuccore/​APJB000000000.1/​|mussel1.0 Assembly]]     * [[http://​​nuccore/​APJB000000000.1/​|mussel1.0 Assembly]]
       * Submitted 05/18/2014 by Deakin University       * Submitted 05/18/2014 by Deakin University
 +      * Assembled with Velvet v. 1.1.06 using 17.0x coverage of Illumina HiSeq reads
       * Not Scaffolded, only contigs       * Not Scaffolded, only contigs
       * largest Contig: 39,674 bp       * largest Contig: 39,674 bp
 +      * 2,315,965 Contigs, total length is 1,​622,​683,​383 bp
   * [[http://​​wiki/​Zebra_mussel|Zebra mussel]] //Dreissena polymorpha//​   * [[http://​​wiki/​Zebra_mussel|Zebra mussel]] //Dreissena polymorpha//​
     * Animalia, **Mollusca**,​ Bivalvia, Heteroconchia,​ Euheterodonta,​ Veneroida, Dreissenoidea,​ Dreissenidae,​ Dreissena.     * Animalia, **Mollusca**,​ Bivalvia, Heteroconchia,​ Euheterodonta,​ Veneroida, Dreissenoidea,​ Dreissenidae,​ Dreissena.
     * [[http://​​nuccore/​JWHF00000000.1/​|ASM80632v1 Assembly]]     * [[http://​​nuccore/​JWHF00000000.1/​|ASM80632v1 Assembly]]
       * Submitted 12/22/2014 by University of Girona       * Submitted 12/22/2014 by University of Girona
 +      * Assembled with GS De Novo Assembler v. 2.5.3. using 3x coverage of 454 reads
       * Not Scaffolded, only partial genome represented       * Not Scaffolded, only partial genome represented
       * largest Contig: 8,717 bp       * largest Contig: 8,717 bp
 +      * 1,057 contigs, total length is 905,680 bp
     * [[http://​​pubmed/​25780924|Using Massive Parallel Sequencing for the development,​ validation, and application of population genetics markers in the invasive bivalve zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)]]     * [[http://​​pubmed/​25780924|Using Massive Parallel Sequencing for the development,​ validation, and application of population genetics markers in the invasive bivalve zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)]]
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 ===== Relevant Data ===== ===== Relevant Data =====
-  * Protein ​& transcript ​details for Sea Hare, //Aplysia californica//​+  * Protein, transcripts,​ and more details for Sea Hare, //Aplysia californica//​
     * [[http://​​genome/​proteins/​443?​genome_assembly_id=29153|protein sequences]]     * [[http://​​genome/​proteins/​443?​genome_assembly_id=29153|protein sequences]]
     * 25041 Predicted protein sequences and 13 known proteins from mitochondrial genes     * 25041 Predicted protein sequences and 13 known proteins from mitochondrial genes
     * [[http://​​pubmed/​21328528|Developmental transcriptome of Aplysia californica]]     * [[http://​​pubmed/​21328528|Developmental transcriptome of Aplysia californica]]
-    * +    * [[https://​​cgi-bin/​hgGateway?​db=aplCal|AplCal2 genome browser]]
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 === Closest To Banana Slug === === Closest To Banana Slug ===
 There are two mitochondrial genomes that are in the same infraorder (//​Stylommatophora//;​ land slugs) as the banana slug: There are two mitochondrial genomes that are in the same infraorder (//​Stylommatophora//;​ land slugs) as the banana slug:
-  - [[http://​​wiki/​Grove_snail|Cepaea nemoralis]]\\ [[http://​​sites/entrez?​Db=genome&​Cmd=ShowDetailView&​TermToSearch=12206|NC_001816]]\\ mitochondrion,​ complete genome\\ DNA; circular; Length: 14,100 nt\\ Organelle: mitochondrion\\ Created: 1999/​08/​24 +  - [[http://​​wiki/​Grove_snail|Cepaea nemoralis]]\\ [[http://​​nuccore/5835415|NC_001816]]\\ mitochondrion,​ complete genome\\ DNA; circular; Length: 14,100 nt\\ Organelle: mitochondrion\\ Created: 1999/​08/​24 
-  - [[http://​​wiki/​Albinaria|Albinaria coerulea]]\\ [[http://​​sites/entrez?​Db=genome&​Cmd=ShowDetailView&​TermToSearch=11604|NC_001761]]\\ mitochondrion,​ complete genome\\ DNA; circular; Length: 14,130 nt\\ Organelle: mitochondrion\\ Created: 1999/08/24+  - [[http://​​wiki/​Albinaria|Albinaria coerulea]]\\ [[http://​​nuccore/5835289|NC_001761]]\\ mitochondrion,​ complete genome\\ DNA; circular; Length: 14,130 nt\\ Organelle: mitochondrion\\ Created: 1999/08/24
archive/other_mollusk_genomes.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/27 19:57 by jaredc