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===== Solid Sequencing Run 1 ===== ==== Meta ==== Date: Overview: ==== DNA Extraction ==== ==== Library Preparation ==== === Shearing DNA === Extracted genomic DNA was sheared using a [[|Hydroshear]] to an approximate size of 4-5kb. The shearing was done using Standard_Assembly, sc 15, 5 cycles for 150 µl total volume. ^ Component^ ^ Tube 1 ^ Tube 2 ^ |DNA (µg) | 15 | 15 | |DNA (µL) | 59 | 59 | |Nuclease Free Water (µl) | 66 | 66 | |Total | 125 | 125 | Total recovered DNA after hydroshear was 217 µl or 26 µg. === Repair the DNA Ends === ^ Component ^ Volume (µL) ^ Lot Number ^ | Sheared DNA | 217 | - | E85-81001 | | 10x End-it Buffer | 40 | E85-81001 | | End-It ATP (10 mM) | 40 | E85-81001 | | End-It dNTPs (2.5 mM) | 40 | E85-81001 | | End-It Enzyme Mix | 12 | E85-81001 | | Nuclease-free water | 51 | 0903130 | | Total | 400| - | Incubate the mixture at room temperature for 30 minutes. ==== Emulsion PCR ==== ==== Sequencing Data ====


, 2010/04/06 23:08

Who did each of the steps of the protocol? dates?

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archive/lab_protocols/solid_run1.1270575684.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/06 17:41 by hyjkim