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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

======Running FastQC====== We run FastQC using a script called run_fastqc. The first part of the script (/campusdata/ndudek/FastQC/fastqc), specifies the location of the fastqc program to be run. The second part (/campusdata/rcalef/remove_dup/SW018_adapterTrimmed_dupRemoved_150424_R1.fastq/), the library to be used which in this example (SW018_adapterTrimmed_dupRemoved_150424_R1.fastq/) was a HiSeq 2 X 100 library. The script here uses four libraries as input. This is why we have the same command repeated four times for the different libraries. The third part (-o /campusdata/gchaves/fastqc_trimmed_PCR_duplicates/), specifies where to locate the output. The type of unix shell used was bash. Here is the run_fastqc script: #!/bin/bash # #$ -cwd #$ -j y #$ -S /bin/bash # date PATH="/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_03/bin/:${PATH}" export PATH /campusdata/ndudek/FastQC/fastqc /campusdata/rcalef/remove_dup/SW018_adapterTrimmed_dupRemoved_150424_R1.fastq/ -o /campusdata/gchaves/fastqc_trimmed_PCR_duplicates/ date PATH="/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_03/bin/:${PATH}" export PATH /campusdata/ndudek/FastQC/fastqc /campusdata/rcalef/remove_dup/SW018_adapterTrimmed_dupRemoved_150424_R2.fastq/ -o /campusdata/gchaves/fastqc_trimmed_PCR_duplicates/ date PATH="/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_03/bin/:${PATH}" export PATH /campusdata/ndudek/FastQC/fastqc /campusdata/rcalef/remove_dup/SW019_adapterTrimmed_dupRemoved_150424_R1.fastq/ -o /campusdata/gchaves/fastqc_trimmed_PCR_duplicates/ date PATH="/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_03/bin/:${PATH}" export PATH /campusdata/ndudek/FastQC/fastqc /campusdata/rcalef/remove_dup/SW019_adapterTrimmed_dupRemoved_150424_R2.fastq/ -o /campusdata/gchaves/fastqc_trimmed_PCR_duplicates/

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archive/fastqc/fastqc.1430839254.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/05 15:20 by gepoliano