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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

===== programs/ ===== * [[bioinformatic_tools:allpaths|allpaths]] * [[boost_1_42_0]]: (Allpaths requires boost binaries installed, so I did it) * [[bioinformatic_tools:SOAPdenovo|SOAPdenovo]]: (v1.04) * [[bioinformatic_tools:velvet|velvet]]: (0.7.62) * [[bioinformatic_tools:cap3_pcap|cap3]] * [[bioinformatic_tools:cap3_pcap|pcap]]


, 2015/04/16 19:31

I installed a few programs today that should be useful to everyone, and I edited the README in the programs directory. SeqPrep, Trim Galore, OpenMPI, sparsehash, and ABySS

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archive/computer_resources/programs.1271359292.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/15 19:21 by galt