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archive:computer_resources:data [2011/05/27 21:29]
archive:computer_resources:data [2015/09/06 06:32] (current) ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation
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     * paired/ contains interleaved files with F3 followed by matching R3, but without quality data     * paired/ contains interleaved files with F3 followed by matching R3, but without quality data
     * csfasta lines are 26 characters long (not counting the newline\n). The first letter is the last base of the primer and the first color is the transition from that base to the actual data, then 24 colors that correspond to transitions in the genomic DNA. Translated to basespace are they are 25 base long reads. Many times working in colorspace, you just have the 24 colors, and ignore or do not know the phase.     * csfasta lines are 26 characters long (not counting the newline\n). The first letter is the last base of the primer and the first color is the transition from that base to the actual data, then 24 colors that correspond to transitions in the genomic DNA. Translated to basespace are they are 25 base long reads. Many times working in colorspace, you just have the 24 colors, and ignore or do not know the phase.
-    * The separation between the starts of the R3 and F3 reads is approximately 2220 bases. ​ The [[bioinformatic_tools:​pluck-scripts|pluck-scripts]] program map-colorspace provides a distribution of the lengths. ​ The separation between the R3 and F3 starts is roughly in the range 750-4700, and 500-5000 contains essentially all the good pairs.+    * The separation between the starts of the R3 and F3 reads is approximately 2220 bases. ​ The [[archive:bioinformatic_tools:​pluck-scripts|pluck-scripts]] program map-colorspace provides a distribution of the lengths. ​ The separation between the R3 and F3 starts is roughly in the range 750-4700, and 500-5000 contains essentially all the good pairs.
   * sanger/ contains Sanger reads from PCR experiments to fill gaps and verify conjectured assembly of contigs. We have fasta files and the traces as .ab1 files. Unfortunately,​ the only software I've found so far for getting quality data from the traces is [[https://​​ab/​en/​US/​adirect/​ab?​cmd=catNavigate2&​catID=600583&​tab=DetailInfo| Applied Biosystem'​s Sequence Scanner]], which is a Windows-only product. I also tried [[http://​​peaktrace-sequencing/​|PeakTrace]],​ an on-line service, but they simply rejected the traces as too noisy. Currently there are 3 fasta files:   * sanger/ contains Sanger reads from PCR experiments to fill gaps and verify conjectured assembly of contigs. We have fasta files and the traces as .ab1 files. Unfortunately,​ the only software I've found so far for getting quality data from the traces is [[https://​​ab/​en/​US/​adirect/​ab?​cmd=catNavigate2&​catID=600583&​tab=DetailInfo| Applied Biosystem'​s Sequence Scanner]], which is a Windows-only product. I also tried [[http://​​peaktrace-sequencing/​|PeakTrace]],​ an on-line service, but they simply rejected the traces as too noisy. Currently there are 3 fasta files:
     * PogSanger.fa     * PogSanger.fa
Line 25: Line 25:
     * Pog.chr.v3.fa ​  ​earlier draft of circular bacterial genome     * Pog.chr.v3.fa ​  ​earlier draft of circular bacterial genome
     * Pog.v4c.fa both chr and ece.  The ece draft is identical to the v3 draft, but the chr draft has a few fixes. ​ This one may end up being the published genome, but we still have a handful of changes that we are debating. ​ Compare assemblies from other tools to this assembly. ​ If you find discrepancies,​ we would like to examine them to see if we find evidence for better results.     * Pog.v4c.fa both chr and ece.  The ece draft is identical to the v3 draft, but the chr draft has a few fixes. ​ This one may end up being the published genome, but we still have a handful of changes that we are debating. ​ Compare assemblies from other tools to this assembly. ​ If you find discrepancies,​ we would like to examine them to see if we find evidence for better results.
-  * [[bioinformatic_tools:​jellyfish|Jellyfish]] was run on the 454 data to get k-mer counts. ​ There was a peak at k-mers occuring 46 times, consistent with 46-47x coverage (rather than 60x).  (More information on the Jellyfish page..)+  * [[archive:bioinformatic_tools:​jellyfish|Jellyfish]] was run on the 454 data to get k-mer counts. ​ There was a peak at k-mers occuring 46 times, consistent with 46-47x coverage (rather than 60x).  (More information on the Jellyfish page..)
 ===== slug/ ===== ===== slug/ =====
Line 34: Line 34:
   * 454_run2/ contains second 454 run, one file   * 454_run2/ contains second 454 run, one file
     * GCLL8Y406 54,283 reads 11,724,143 bases     * GCLL8Y406 54,283 reads 11,724,143 bases
-  * 454_run3/ contains ​a 454 run +  * 454_run3/ ​is bogus: it contains ​454_run2/ plus some other lanes that are not banana slug.
-    * Unclear which regions correspond to banana slug dna.+
   * solid_run1/ will contain first SOLiD run   * solid_run1/ will contain first SOLiD run
-  * [[lab_protocols:​illumina_run1|illumina_run1/​]] contains data from first illumina run+  * [[archive:lab_protocols:​illumina_run1|illumina_run1/​]] contains data from first illumina run
     * This data was available for the 2010 class.     * This data was available for the 2010 class.
     * Lane 4 is a control lane and this data should not be used during assembly. ​     * Lane 4 is a control lane and this data should not be used during assembly. ​
Line 46: Line 45:
     * This was a paired end sequencing run.     * This was a paired end sequencing run.
     * These two libraries were multiplexed with 6 other libraries within a single lane of an Illumina GAIIx. ​ For the distribution of fragment size, please refer to {{:​computer_resources:​banana_slug_fragment_size_for_reads.pdf|bioanalyzer results of final libraries}}. In the file, "​sample 7" corresponds to barcode 7 and "​sample 8" corresponds to barcode 8.     * These two libraries were multiplexed with 6 other libraries within a single lane of an Illumina GAIIx. ​ For the distribution of fragment size, please refer to {{:​computer_resources:​banana_slug_fragment_size_for_reads.pdf|bioanalyzer results of final libraries}}. In the file, "​sample 7" corresponds to barcode 7 and "​sample 8" corresponds to barcode 8.
-      * Barcode 7 has a mean fragment length of 411bp. (7_1.fastq & 7_2.fastq) based on Bioanalyzer results, but the length peaks at 249 in [[bioinformatic_tools:​bwa#​determining_paired-end_insert_size|Determining Paired-end Insert Size]] ​ There are 747,017 read pairs with barcode 7. +      * Barcode 7 has a mean fragment length of 411bp. (7_1.fastq & 7_2.fastq) based on Bioanalyzer results, but the length peaks at 249 in [[archive:bioinformatic_tools:​bwa#​determining_paired-end_insert_size|Determining Paired-end Insert Size]] ​ There are 747,017 read pairs with barcode 7. The Bioanlyzer result includes 119 bases of adapter, so the insert length is about 292, not far from our mapping result
-      * Barcode 8 has a mean fragment length of 372bp. (8_1.fastq & 8_2.fastq) based on the Bioanalyzer results, but the length looks like it averages less than 100 in [[bioinformatic_tools:​bwa#​determining_paired-end_insert_size|Determining Paired-end Insert Size]]. (the distribution peaks at 115, but there seems to be a truncation artifact, and the true sizes are probably smaller). There are 7,118,223 read pairs with barcode 8.+      * Barcode 8 has a mean fragment length of 372bp. (8_1.fastq & 8_2.fastq) based on the Bioanalyzer results, but the length looks like it averages less than 100 in [[archive:bioinformatic_tools:​bwa#​determining_paired-end_insert_size|Determining Paired-end Insert Size]]. (the distribution peaks at 115, but there seems to be a truncation artifact, and the true sizes are probably smaller). There are 7,118,223 read pairs with barcode 8.  Removing the adapters (372-119=253) is still too big.
     * The over-estimate of length apparently is a common problem with Illumina libraries, perhaps due to dimerization of DNA pieces from hybridization of adapters.     * The over-estimate of length apparently is a common problem with Illumina libraries, perhaps due to dimerization of DNA pieces from hybridization of adapters.
   * solid_run_1   * solid_run_1
     * This was a single ended run produced on a SOLiD 3 machine. There was an observed GC bias in other libraries sequenced in the same region as this run.     * This was a single ended run produced on a SOLiD 3 machine. There was an observed GC bias in other libraries sequenced in the same region as this run.
 +    * primary.20100403223319810/​ has no data, just 4 million empty reads
 +    * primary.20100411112358944/​ does have data: 4,042,811 50-long single-end reads.
 +    * secondary.F3.20100403054816892/​ seems to be quality control information from spiked-in controls. ​
   * solid_run_2   * solid_run_2
-    * This was a single ended run produced on a SOLiD 4 machine. There was no observed GC bias in other libraries sequenced in the same region as this run. +    * This was a single ended run produced on a SOLiD 4 machine. There was no observed GC bias in other libraries sequenced in the same region as this run.  
-  * kmer-counts/ ​FIXME +    * primary.20101127015521942/​ has no data 
-  * insert/ ​FIXME +    * primary.20101202225202063/​ has 26,987,171 50-base reads. 
-  * clean/ ​FIXME+    * secondary.F3.20101127015516841/​ seems to be quality control from spiked-in samples.  ​ 
 +  * kmer-counts/​ 
 +    * Used for running [[archive:​bioinformatic_tools:​jellyfish|Jellyfish]].  
 +    * Contains Jellyfish k-mer tables and histogram files for 454 and Illumina runs before and after SeqPrep 
 +  * insert/ 
 +    * Used for estimating distribution of template sizes for the paired-end Illumina reads. 
 +    * Accomplished by mapping pairs to a reference, originally the 454 reads and later the contigs from a SOAPdenovo assembly, using [[archive:​bioinformatic_tools:​bwa|BWA]]. 
 +  * clean/ 
 +    * Used for running [[archive:​bioinformatic_tools:​seqprep|SeqPrep]] and [[archive:​bioinformatic_tools:​quake|Quake]] correction on the Illumina reads. 
 +    * run1_seqprep_quake/​ and run2_seqprep_quake/​ contain the corrected reads used for assembly. 
 +      * *_[12]_qseq_seqprep.cor.fastq.gz contain the corrected paired reads. 
 +      * *_[12]_qseq_seqprep.cor_single.fastq.gz contain the corrected reads whose pair could not be corrected. 
 +      * *_merged_qseq_seqprep.cor.fastq.gz contain the corrected reads that were merged by SeqPrep.
 ==== Illumina Data Notes ==== ==== Illumina Data Notes ====
archive/computer_resources/data.1306531799.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/05/27 21:29 by svohr