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archive:computer_resources:assemblies [2011/06/08 15:47]
karplus [slug/] added info about abyss iteration and bwa+samtools+bcftools
archive:computer_resources:assemblies [2011/06/21 23:27]
karplus [slug/] moved mitochondrion assembly information to a new page
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       - map (0.6 hours with 60cpus) - paired ends       - map (0.6 hours with 60cpus) - paired ends
       - scaff (1 hour with 60cpus)       - scaff (1 hour with 60cpus)
-  * barcode-of-life/​ attempt to assemble the mitochondrial genome, ​with particular emphasis ​on the gene for mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I protein I (CO1), which is used for the "​barcode of life"​. ​[[http://​​|BOLD (barcode of life database)]] +  * barcode-of-life/​ attempt to assemble the mitochondrial genome, ​documented ​on its own page: [[computer_resources:assemblies:​mitochondrion]] 
-      * Started with a search of SOAPdenovo-assembly1/​k31/​soapSlug.scafSeq for scaffolds that matched examples from other mollusks. +
-      * Looked for 454 reads that extended or joined contigs in scaffold +
-      * Repeated (sometimes using more sensitive searches) until no more credible scaffolds from the SOAPdenovo-assembly1/​k31/​ assembly nor 454 reads were found. +
-      * The 454 coverage of the mitochondrion is so slight as to be nearly useless, so instead we can iterate: +
-        - find all Illumina reads that map to the mitochondrial draft, using BWA +
-        - assemble them using SOAPdenovo. +
-      * It looks like the Illumina reads have about 228x coverage of the mitochondrion,​ but coverage is patchy, and it seems to be difficult to close the circle (at least with SOAPdenovo). ​  +
-      * We have an almost complete mitochondrial genome, and I'm hoping that a few more iterations or some tricky assembly will close it into a clean circular genome. +
-      * It turns out that a lot of the hard hand work and iterated searching to assemble the mitochondrion was not necessary, as the SOAPdenovo-assembly2/​k63_w_454_contigs/​ assembly now has a 14960-long contig (not scaffold!) which is an almost-full-length mitochondrion,​ roughly as good as the best I've managed to assemble so far.  I'll combine it with my efforts and see if I can eke out a few more bases. +
-      * Iterating mapping reads with BWA and assembling them with SOAPdenovo made some progress, but there was a gap that just wouldn'​t close. +
-      * Switching to abyss (version 1.2.7) for the assembly of the reads made a much larger contig (15535-long after pasting on a suggestion from one abyss assembly onto another). +
-      * Iterating search and abyss assembly does not lengthen the large contig. ​ Cleaning up and calling the consensus with bwa+samtools+bcftools doesn'​t change things much either. ​ There seems to be a large variation in coverage (from 20x to 2300x, with a median of 225x), so I suspect that there is a repeat region at the beginning of the current contig that may have 10 repeats in it.+
   * SOAPdenovo-assembly2/​ Assembly with new + old Illumina and 454 data.   * SOAPdenovo-assembly2/​ Assembly with new + old Illumina and 454 data.
     * SOAPdenovo 1.05 - can handle gzipped fastq files.     * SOAPdenovo 1.05 - can handle gzipped fastq files.
archive/computer_resources/assemblies.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/02 16:53 by