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archive:computer_resources:assemblies [2011/06/07 23:16]
karplus [slug/] added abyss assembly info to barcode-of-life
archive:computer_resources:assemblies [2011/06/08 05:59]
karplus [slug/] fixed bullets in SOAPdenovo assembly 1
Line 100: Line 100:
     * so ran with filling -R to get 12k maxcontig.     * so ran with filling -R to get 12k maxcontig.
     * Then ran the scaffolding steps with 200bp insert size.     * Then ran the scaffolding steps with 200bp insert size.
-    * For all steps, used low default cutoffs since our 10x coverage +    * For all steps, used low default cutoffs since our 10x coverage is not high.  21k max scaffold size.   
-    * is not high.  21k max scaffold size.  ​Estimated +    * Estimated ​genome size is around 3G.  ​ 
-    * genome size is around 3G.  The 4 steps are+    * The 4 steps are
       - pregraph (3.5 to 4.5 hours for 30 to 60 cpus)       - pregraph (3.5 to 4.5 hours for 30 to 60 cpus)
       - contig (1.3 hours)       - contig (1.3 hours)
archive/computer_resources/assemblies.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/02 16:53 by