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archive:bioinformatic_tools:sga [2011/06/08 22:42]
karplus info about installing
archive:bioinformatic_tools:sga [2015/07/28 06:26] (current)
ceisenhart ↷ Page moved from bioinformatic_tools:sga to archive:bioinformatic_tools:sga
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   * google-sparsehash (also needed for Abyss)   * google-sparsehash (also needed for Abyss)
   * hoard   * hoard
-  * bamtools, which in turn needs +  * bamtools, which is a particular pain to install because it uses 
-    * cmake (newer than the version installed on campusrocks)+    * cmake (newer than the version installed on campusrocks), and cmake does not support installing stuff anywhere other than in the initial directory or root-access-only directories,​ so we can't do the usual "​configure --prefix=/​campusdata/​BME235"​
 +Once cmake, bamtools, hoard, and google/​sparsehash are all installed as best they can be, then the UCSC-install.bash script can be run to install SGA.  Actually running SGA is still to be tested!
archive/bioinformatic_tools/sga.1307572945.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/06/08 22:42 by karplus