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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Phrap ====== ====== Overview ====== PHRAP : "Phragment Assembly Program". Assembles shotgun DNA sequence data, developed by Phil Green [[ | link to homepage]]. ===== Key Features ===== * Allows use of entire read. * Combines user input data with internally computed data quality to improve accracy of sequence assembly. * "Quality value Q = -10 log10( Pe ); where Q and Pe are respectively the quality value and error probability of a particular base call." PHRAP documentation available [[ | here]]


, 2010/04/22 13:32

Did you follow the instructions and do “make manyreads”?

Everyone should have “r-x” not just ”–x” permission.

, 2010/04/23 02:27

its updated now.

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archive/bioinformatic_tools/phrap.1270763890.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/08 21:58 by svasili