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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== CAP3 PCAP ====== ===== Overview ===== [[|Instructions for running on NIH Helix]] The NIH pages seems to have much more information than the Iowa State page. Would we want to look into running our data on NIH clusters? ==== Publications ==== **CAP3: A DNA Sequence Assembly Program** [(cite:CAP3>Huang, X. and Madan, A. (1999)\\ CAP3: A DNA Sequence Assembly Program. Genome Research, 9: 868-877.)]\\ **PCAP: A Whole-Genome Assembly Program** [(cite:PCAP>Huang, X., Wang, J., Aluru, S., Yang, S.-P. and Hillier, L. (2003)\\ PCAP: A Whole-Genome Assembly Program. Genome Research, 13: 2164-2170.)] ==== Website ==== [[]] ==== Source with Binaries and Documentation ==== [[http://TODO]] ===== References ===== <refnotes>notes-separator: none</refnotes> ~~REFNOTES cite~~

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archive/bioinformatic_tools/cap3_pcap.1271238947.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/14 09:55 by galt