Hash goals: no keys stored, perfect static hash (no collisions, immutable keys), [ACTG][ACTG] represents forward and backward extensions
Only hashes k+2 mers
Series of hash functions to prevent collisions (4 step)
Documentation does not mention novel lightweight hash ā looking into src needed
Couldn't find hash functions in source code!
Currently using one large hash with multithreading (with boost)
Prints to stdout as UFX.FN (FN of kmer key)
73GB of UFX files with lines of [kmer] [ACTG][ACTG] (X= no extensions, F=multiple extensions)
Memory usage worse than original since all extensions are hashed, not just U-U
Many kmers stored have invalid bases that are not used in making contigs (still hashed, though)
Packed DNA object pads length to be divisible by 4, divides into blocks of 4, maps to integer (supposedly cuts down from 1 byte for base to 1 byte for 4 nucleotides, which is not helpful)